In the world, 97% are people and only 3% are mankind . The objective of True Realization Centre is to transform people in to mankind. Mankind means, those having good attributes like Love, Compassion, Wisdom, Patience, etc.
To achieve this, True Realization Centre is conducting 7 day True Realization Experiential Programmes in Malaysia, India, Singapore and Indonesia.
This 7 Day Programme helps people shed their five passions of mind which are Anger, Ego, Vanity, Lust, Attachment and to realize as Soul.
This 7 Day Programme makes people realize the power of Love and to radiate unconditional Love to their family, neighbours, friends, relatives and the acquaintances.
It inculcates as to how to nurture harmony within the family and thereby lead a happy and peaceful life. This programme guides people to achieve their materialistic and spiritual goals.